air cargo quality and performance measures

air cargo quality and performance measures.


Choose one specific area such as:

· Air cargo containers

· Material handling

· Aviation maintenance

· Airports and terminals

· Cargo loading and unloading

· Vehicle operation on the flight line

· Pallet build-up

· Ground support equipment

· Other concept found in course

Write and submit a two to three page report evaluating the area you chose. Please include titles and state each requirement and give each answer its own separate paragraph(s).

  1. Introduction and name of the specific area
  2. Describe the specific area (e.g. cargo loading and unloading)
  3. Describe the quality requirements associated with that area.
  4. What quality defects do you believe can be present or observed? 
  5. What ways can you prevent quality defects?
  6. How can you measure performance to verify lasting corrective actions?
  7. Where does that performance measurement fit into the Balance Scorecard elements?
  8. Conclusions and recommendations

Be specific with your answers. This paper must have at least two scholarly references.

Use APA format.

your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin for originality. Ensure your work is entirely your own and cite your sources!

air cargo quality and performance measures

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