Company | Management homework help

Company | Management homework help.

You just created a new start-up company called Universal Drones Inc., because you want to compete in the growing industry of drone navigation systems. VectorCal (as described in the case analysis) is currently the only major company in the field. Your views on VectorCal are that the company charges a lot for their products and take a long time to manufacture them. You feel that your company can be a more efficient version of VectorCal.

Keep in mind: When you are completing this assignment, you should be creating all the necessary assumptions to support your claim of being more efficient.

Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Describe your new company called Universal Drones Inc.

Include in your description

Why your company was formed.

Your company’s mission statement.

Your company’s vision statement.

Your company’s product.

An overview of your key personnel.

Your targeted client base.

Describe VectorCal.

Include in your description

Why VectorCal was formed.

VectorCal’s mission statement.

VectorCal’s vision statement.

VectorCal’s product.

An overview of VectorCal key personnel.

VectorCal’s targeted client base.

Pricing analysis methods when forecasting government expenses.

Critique the pricing method that VectorCal uses to forecast the prices of its products and services when contracting with the government.

Discuss the types of pricing analysis methods (Comparison of proposed prices, Comparison of market prices, etc.) that your company will consider when forecasting prices. Provide rationale(s) to support your reasoning.

Cost Considerations

Discuss the following costs that your company, Universal Drones, Inc., needs to adhere to during your first year of operations.  Remember to provide a rationale for each of these costs.



Indirect costs.

Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Company | Management homework help

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