short response | Political Science homework help
short response | Political Science homework help.
Research on the effects of terrorism mostly focuses on the coercive effects of violence on the macro-level, while other effects like provocation, particularly on the microlevel, do not receive the same attention. By now, you must have learned that one common objective in most acts of terror is to get the government to overreact. Now the question and the prompt for you to think about is whether terrorism can also provoke civilians into an overreaction in their day-to-day social behaviors and/or in their preferred mode of expressing their political opinions and demands.
250-500 words in length.
find your second source from a list of open-sources journals provided below.
Combating Terrorism Exchange (CTX) (Links to an external site.)
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (CTTA) (Links to an external site.)
Journal for Deradicalization (JD) (Links to an external site.)
Journal of 9/11 Studies (Links to an external site.)
Journal of Counter Terrorism & Homeland Security International, (Links to an external site.)
Journal of Terrorism & Cyber Insurance, The (JTCI) (Links to an external site.)
Journal on Terrorism and Security Analysis, The (JTSA) (Links to an external site.)
Perspectives on Terrorism (PT) (Links to an external site.)
PRISM (Links to an external site.)
Terrorism: An Electronic Journal and Knowledge Base (Links to an external site.)
Terrorism Monitor (TM)