This is due on friday 10/26/2018. find attached one classmates

This is due on friday 10/26/2018. find attached one classmates.

 BUSI 720, Quantitative Research Methods    

General Instructions ( I have attached the chapter guidelines and data set, if tutor finds useful, to be used for this assignment). 

For each Discussion Forum Main Thread

1. Include a title block with your name, class title, date, and the discussion forum number.   

2. Write the question number and the question title as a level one heading (Example ‐ D1.1 Variables.) and then provide your response.  

 3. Use Level Two headings for multi part questions (D1.1 & D1.1.a, D1.1.b, etc.) 4. Be sure to properly cite any factual assertions. 5. Include a reference section. 6. Carefully review your discussion forum prior to submission for formatting, flow, and readability.   

Discussion Forum 1 ‐ Main Thread 

Respond to the following short answer questions

D1.1 Variables. What kind of independent variable (active or attribute) is necessary to infer cause? Can one always infer cause from this type of independent variable? If so, why? If not, when can one infer cause and when might causal inferences be more questionable? 

D1.2 Research Questions I. Compare and contrast associational, difference, and descriptive types of research questions. D1.3 Research Questions II. Using one or more of the following HSB variables; religion, mosaic pattern test, or visualization score: 

a. Write an association question 

b. Write a difference question 

c. Write a descriptive question 

D1.4 Data Coding I. Are there any other rules about data coding of questionnaires that you think should be added to what you have studied? Are there any rules that you think should be modified? If so, which ones, how should they be modified, and why? 

D1.5 Data Coding II. If you identified other problems with the completed questionnaires in Chapter 2 problem 2.1, what were they? How did you decide to handle the problems and why? 

D1.6 Data Coding III. Why is it important to check your raw (questionnaire) data before and after entering them into the data editor? What are ways to check the data before entering them? What are ways to check the data after entering them? 

Classmates reply ( Tutor this response should be submitted on a separate file from the main discussion post)

 Discussion Forum 1 ‐ Reply Review one student’s response to D1.2 and D1.3. Summarize their findings and indicate areas of agreement, disagreement, and improvement. Support your views with citations and include a reference section. Provide a title block that includes who you are reviewing. 

This is due on friday 10/26/2018. find attached one classmates

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