Milestone three | Computer Science homework help
Milestone three | Computer Science homework help.
6-2 FINAL Project Milestone Three: System Requirement. Submit your system requirements. The system requirements model is to be submitted as a Word document that is a combination of sections: a requirements model, a data process model, a data flow diagram, a data dictionary, an object model, and a use case diagram. Copy the image of your diagram into your Word document and include text to ensure that the diagram has proper context within the overall system requirements model through written explanations. Your audience is IT management and the IT project team.
Note that the course project intent is to introduce students to an entire systems analyst process. Each milestone is fairly significant in size if performing an actual project. For the intended learning and exposure to the course project topics, please know that assumptions will have to be made and that any such assumptions should be documented.
For additional details, please refer to the Final Project Document and the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.
Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
You will submit your system requirements. The system requirements model is to be submitted as a Word document that is a combination of sections: a requirements model, a data process model, a data flow diagram, a data dictionary, an object model, and a use case diagram. Copy the image of your diagram into your Word document and include text to ensure that the diagram has proper context within the overall system requirements model through written explanations. Your audience is IT management and the IT project team.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
II. System Requirements: Detail the specific requirements of your case. Be sure to include screenshots of all relevant diagrams, charts, and tables.
a) Requirements Modeling: Assess the current system to identify the requirements for the new system. Be sure to address each of the following aspects: outputs, inputs, processes, performance, and controls (i.e., security).
b) Data Process Model: Create a visual representation of all relevant data processes that represents a logical model of the requirements of the system based on the systems development life cycle.
c) Data Flow Diagram: Create a visual representation of the data flow based on the systems development life cycle.
d) Data Dictionary: Create a data dictionary that annotates your system requirements to build clarity in communicating with the relevant audiences.
e) Object Modeling: Use appropriate object modeling techniques and tools to describe the system requirements.
f) Use Case Diagrams: Create (a) use case diagram(s) that outline the system requirements based on the systems development life cycle.
Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Three should follow these formatting guidelines: 4–6 pages, double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review
Citations and References please watch this video.
For 6-2, the system requirements document you will submit should be composed of the components you have been creating since the beginning of the course. Your selected case study is the thread that connects each of those components. That thread starts at the problem presented by the case study. Your Microsoft Project plan you created continues the thread by listing each task necessary to solve the problem (WBS) and when those tasks will occur (Gantt Chart). The earliest steps in your plan revolve around requirements. In previous weeks, you have been getting to know the different models used to communicate requirements. This week, you will assemble a Microsoft Word document that articulates the requirements of YOUR proposed solution to the problem of the case study you selected. So where to begin? Begin with the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric. Here is what your submission should contain. Create one section header in your MS Word document for each of the eight items below:
1) Introduction: Create a single paragraph that summarizes your case study’s background, problem, and audience. Your submission will not be accepted without this. Remember, you are creating this submission as if you were presenting it to your audience. Not all are familiar with the history and the problem you are trying to solve. Create this introduction to level-set your audience.
2) Requirements Model: Similar to what you did in Module 3 create a requirements checklist. This time, use your own case study instead of the Personal Trainer case study to list the input, output, processes, performance, and controls checklist items. In other words, what specific problems in those five categories will users expect to see improved by your solution? This should be a simple list, not a graphic.
3) Process Model: Create a context model related to your solution. Put simply, create a Process 0 diagram with your solution at the center, the entities impacted as squares along the border, and data flows between the process and the entities. This should be a single graphic you create in Visio and pasted into your MS Word document. Include a paragraph describing how it relates to your solution.
4) Data Model: Create a DFD for your solution that expands on the most critical data component of your Process 0. Create your DFD in Visio and paste it into your MS Word document. Include a paragraph describing how it relates to your solution.
5) Data Dictionary: For the main data store in your DFD, provide a list of fields it will contain and a description of those fields.
6) Use Case Model: Similar to the use case model you created in Module 5, create a use case diagram that defines the actors and use cases associated with how those actors will utilize your new system.
7) Object Models: Create a state transition diagram, sequence diagram, or another suitable model to describe your solution. The goal is to demonstrate you know how to select the model most appropriate to your requirements. For example, if you choose to use a state transition diagram, you can use one of the actors from your use case model and describe the state of the actor throughout the new process you are proposing. Once you create the model in MS Visio, paste it into your MS Word document and provide a paragraph that describes it and links it to your project.
8) Summary and Conclusion: Write one paragraph that summarizes what you have presented. Again, you are presenting the requirements you your audience here. You want to give them confidence you understand what they have requested, you have accurately captured their requirements, and can speak authoritatively about the next steps.