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Financial Leadership Project, Part A: Guidelines and Grading Rubric

The Course Project is a two-part series assignment

Part A will consist of identifying a quality improvement or evidence-based or financial/knowledge-based issue in an area of nursing practice. This issue must be relevant to your role as a nurse leader and an area of interest for you.

Part A of this assignment will be to identify the significance of the problem and your role as an MSN Nurse Leader in addressing the issue with supporting evidence from current literature. Part B, to be completed further-into the semester, will relate to applying meso and macroeconomic, financial and informatics techniques in addressing your area of interest, designing an implementation plan, as well as identifying the changes expected in measurable outcomes as a result of project implementation strategies.

Part A, to be submitted by the end of Week 4 of this course, will require the following objectives to be addressed.

  • Problem identification—quality improvement or evidence-based or knowledge-based issue
  • Significance of problem as it relates to healthcare leadership, academics, finance, or economics
  • Literature review related to what is known about the significance of the problem
  • Your role as a MSN Nurse Leader in addressing the problem—what are the key challenges at thistime?
  • Identification of key stakeholders and measures or indicators of healthcare outcomes that areimportant to the stakeholders and that you will use in addressing the problem areaLEARNING OUTCOMESThis assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
  • LO 1: The student will be able to describe, analyze, synthesize and evaluate various finance scenarios discussed in the readings. (threaded online discussions & presentations)
  • LO 2: The student will be able to examine methods of healthcare financing and how these affect advanced nursing practice
  • LO 3: The student will be able to describe, analyze, synthesize and evaluate various finance scenarios discussed in the readings.
  • CO 8: The student will be able to demonstrate the ability to evaluate all areas of healthcare economics and finance as it relates to the nurse administrator/manager role.

Florida National University NGR-6722 Financial Management and Resource Development


This assignment is worth a total of 20%.


This assignment is due at the end of Week 4. Submit it to appropriate folder in the assignments tab by Saturday at 11:59 p.m. EST.



Part A of the Systems Leadership Project will consist of identifying a quality improvement or evidence- based or financial/knowledge-based issue in an area of nursing practice relevant to your role as an MSN Nurse Leader. The area may be in a

  • Hospital;
  • Clinic;
  • public health agency;
  • non-governmental agency; and
  • global health, policy arena.You are to select a problem in an area of interest for you, for example:
  • addressing hospital throughput issues as a nurse leader
  • changing the clinic staffing matrix of an interdisciplinary clinic
  • Lean or Six Sigma improvement strategies
  • implementing purposeful rounding and bedside reporting based on best practices to improveHCAHPS scores
  • reorganizing the care delivery model of various nursing units based on evidence from Magnethospitals
  • designing and implementing a culture of safety and identifying areas of nursing program growthas an administrative leader of an online nursing program You must address the following objectives.
  1. Problem identification—quality improvement or evidence-based or knowledge-based issue (1 page)
    1. The problem needs to be current and relevant to the organization or clinic.
    2. The problem needs to include cost, quality, and efficiency aspects.
    3. The problem needs to match the mission or vision statement of the organization andorganizational strategic plan for the next 5 years.
  2. Significance of the problem as it relates to healthcare leadership, academics, finance andeconomics (2 pages)

Florida National University NGR-6722 Financial Management and Resource Development

  1. What leadership elements are crucial to the success of this problem area?
  2. State several significant areas that the problem relates to—leadership and finance,academics, and economics.
  3. Literature review related to what is known about the significance of the problem, what is notknown, and how your project plans could potential fill the gap (3 pages)
  4. Your role as a MSN Nurse Leader in addressing the problem (2 pages)
    1. What are the key leadership challenges at this time that may enhance acceptance of the project or resistance? How will the organization climate support the change?
    2. What leadership skills are most conducive to create a favorable proposed change process?
  5. Key stakeholders identified and several key measures or indicators of healthcare outcomes that is important to stakeholders and that you will use in addressing the problem area (2 pages)
    1. Identify stakeholders that will support change in the problem area.
    2. Identify stakeholders that will create resistance in change.
    3. Identify stakeholders that will have the greatest influence over positive or negativechanges related to the problem area. Identify ways in which to work with all the various groups of stakeholders.

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. The paper (excluding the title page and references page) should be 7 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting this length requirement. Estimated page length for each section of the paper is outlined in the description of the assignment section.
  2. Font and sizes are 12 point Times New Roman
  3. Use the following subheadings to organize the content of your paper.
    1. Problem identification
    2. Significance of problem
    3. Literature review
    4. Your role as an MSN Nurse Leader
    5. Key stakeholders
  4. The textbooks required for this course may be used as a reference for this assignment.
  5. A minimum of 6 scholarly references must be used. Scholarly references need to be current, 5years or less (anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable).
  6. Title page, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the sixthedition of the manual; this includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper.
  7. Ideas and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly.
  8. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent withformal written work as found in the sixth edition of the APA manual.
  9. This paper is worth 20% and will be graded on quality of topic, quality of paper information, useof citations, grammar, and sentence structure. This paper must be submitted in Turniting. Please follow the instructions about Turninin requirements in the Syllabus


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