Socw 6361 wk 8 d1 post responses – discussion: using power in social | SOCW 6361 – Social Policy: Analysis and Advocacy | Walden University

Socw 6361 wk 8 d1 post responses – discussion: using power in social | SOCW 6361 – Social Policy: Analysis and Advocacy | Walden University.

Politics represents efforts by people in governmental and nongovernmental settings to secure their policy wishes by developing and using power resources.

—Bruce S. Jansson, Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate: From Policy Practice to Social Justice (8th ed.)

Social workers are in the business of empowering people. They are also often faced with power structures that are entrenched and difficult to navigate. Skillful policy practitioners recognize the many kinds of power resources that exist, thus expanding their options in specific situations. As a social worker, you will learn various strategies that can create and expand personal networks that might be useful in negotiating your policy practice within an agency. You want your power resources to be recognized as effective ways to get things done, not as coercion and force.

In this Discussion, you identify various kinds of power resources (including person-to-person, substantive, process, and procedural) that you can use to secure the adoption of a policy proposal.

To prepare: Review Chapter 10 in your text, focusing on Jansson’s categorization of types of power resources in the policy-enacting task.

Provide responses to the Colleagues posts which are located in the attachment:

Offer a supportive perspective to his or her choice. Include in your perspective some thoughts on how a social worker can manage the use of his or her power resource.

Be sure to support your post with specific references to this week’s resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.

At least 1 Reference and Citation per post.

Socw 6361 wk 8 d1 post responses – discussion: using power in social | SOCW 6361 – Social Policy: Analysis and Advocacy | Walden University

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