Starbucks: venti social responsibility and brand strategy
Starbucks: venti social responsibility and brand strategy.
Read the case – Starbucks: Venti Social Responsibility and Brand Strategy
2. Spend some time locating the website for this company as well as identifying additional current resources that will be useful in preparing your analysis.
3. Please create a Word document, starting with a short introduction, then answer the three questions on Page 395, provide a conclusion/lessons learned (e.g. best practices/worst practices illustrated in the case) and conclude with a references page (expected are at least 5 other sources besides the textbook). Historically, successful student papers end up around the equivalent of 2-3 pages single-spaced (4-6 pages double-spaced). However, rather than count words or pages, I tend to be most concerned about whether each question above was covered with breadth and depth in your response to convey to the reader that you are knowledgeable about the topic.
Note: Please prepare your case response with the three questions covered in paragraph form without the question prompts included. In other words, present your case in research paper format including element mentioned below.
Please use research to get a broader view of the case and to help you answer the questions. Your references must be included at the end of your paper, and any use of material from a reference must be appropriately cited in the paper in APA format.
The conclusion/lessons learned should focus on “What did YOU personally learn from reviewing this case regarding business ethics?”
Your case study paper submissions will be graded against the following criteria:
· Creative and thoughtful coverage of the case questions
· Quality and use of references within the response
· Quality of your paper – structure, format, flow
· Personal conclusions are drawn from the case. Did you describe what you learned?