System functions | Human Resource Management homework help

System functions | Human Resource Management homework help.


Imagine that you are a project manager with a large hospital. You are responsible for facilitating the selection of a new healthcare information system.  You are asked to preview the Allscripts MyWay EMR and Waiting Room Solutions demos.

  • Explore all of the product modules and functions, such as the user friendliness (interface and ease of use), patient search functionality, release of information and retrieval, record tracking, web-based standards, internet and intranet use, regulatory requirements, etc.
  • Create a comparison table or matrix for the various functions.
  • In a 2-page paper, provide an assessment and explanation of how product features would or would not potentially support interoperability and basic integration standards.
    Submit the comparison table and paper.


  • Waiting Room Solutions. Go to youtube and search “Waiting Room Solutions Demo” to view this product.
  • Allscripts MyWay EMR. Go to youtube and search “Allscripts Demo” to view this product.

System functions | Human Resource Management homework help

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