Unit 5 assignment 1 | Accounting homework help

Unit 5 assignment 1 | Accounting homework help.

Current Liabilities and Cash Flow

Activity Context

Revisit the MBA6014 Course Alignment Map to review how all activities assist you in achieving the course competencies and overall program outcomes.

Activity Instructions

In this assessment, you will compute working capital and the quick ratio. Based on your computations, you will interpret and explain the implications of working capital and the quick-ratio results.

Complete CP9-2 (page 496) from Chapter 9 and E13-5 (page 675) from Chapter 13 of your Financial Accounting textbook.

Submission Requirements

All quantitative assignments must be completed on the Microsoft Excel templates provided. Create one workbook with multiple tabs, copying each problem’s template onto a separate tab and completing the work there. Submit this single file in the assignment area. Include your name and the assignment number in the file name; also include your name and the problem number on each tab of the document. All work should be shown. Assignments must not be submitted as a PDF.

Refer to the scoring guide for this assignment to ensure that you meet the grading criteria. Note that one scoring guide is used to evaluate both of the problems in this assessment; each criterion in the scoring guide relates to one or both of the problems here.



Unit 5 assignment 1 | Accounting homework help

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