6. includes information from professional sources and required
6. includes information from professional sources and required.
Evan and Marlyce have a 4-year-old son (Micah) who has cerebral palsy. Their life is very challenging because they both have to work and recently lost their home to foreclosure. Micah is being discharged to home this afternoon, and Marlyce is obviously anxious. Marlyce states, “I just feel like we are always out of touch when we go home. I have other children to care for, and we are always on the go.“ This case study is based on a longitudinal qualitative study from Canada (Woodgae, Edwards, & Ripat, 2012).
2. Answer the following questions in at least 500 words, but no more than 800 words:
a. Propose a qualitative research study purpose that would help the nurse provide better care for Micah’s family. Be sure to include the purpose of the study and a rationale using your text to support your answer.
b. As the researchers set up a qualitative study for families of patients such as Micah, they used purposive sampling. What does this mean, including some ideas for inclusion and exclusion factors? Use the text to support your answer
c.How is data collected for this type of study? Use the text to support your answer
Yes above are chapters you read for the assignment. Please go through the questions thoroughly to know what is required. Pls l need a good job.
Criteria for Qualitative assignment rubric. ( pls follow this for best grade)
1. Use of appropriate Comments
2.No errors in grammar, spelling, or sentence structure.
3. APA format is correct with the inclusion of citations and references.
4. Clear reference is made to the assignment being discussed.
5. Substantively discusses all expected content areas.
6. Includes information from professional sources and required reading to augment personal reflections/positions.
7.Clearly connects the assignment to text or reference points from previous readings, activities, and discussions. Reflects on concepts in the required readings and their impact on nursing practice.
APA formatting
•No title page, but citations and references are expected
6. includes information from professional sources and required