Answer questions | Education homework help

Answer questions | Education homework help.

Mrs. Price is a seasoned high school principal.  She served as a special education teacher and as an assistant principal in a progressive, affluent school district in the South.  She is approached by the parents of a severely disabled 10th grader, John, requesting that a full-time nurse be provided to him under the label of “related services.”  John has multiple disabilities requiring constant care by a specially trained nurse.  He is profoundly mentally disabled, has spastic quadriplegia, and has a seizure disorder.  Mrs. Better refuses the parents’ request due to extraordinary expense and a view that the school is not the most appropriate placement for John.

  1. Is Better’s decision defensible?
  2. Is the parents’ request reasonable under the law?
  3. Is the provision of a nurse a related service if it is necessary for John to receive an appropriate education?
  4. How do you think the court would rule in this case?
  5. What are the administrative implications of this case?  What would you do if you were the principal?
  6. at least two references 

Answer questions | Education homework help

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