The submission should provide a summary of major theories related to

The submission should provide a summary of major theories related to.


WRITTEN RESEARCH PAPER (teams of 2 optional):

Each student is responsible for selecting a topic within the area of Managing Total Rewards (compensation and employee benefits) and writing a scholarly paper. Students earn points for this assignment by conducting a literature review search and using about 15-20 or more academic journal articles that fit the course content (do use academic textbooks in addition to the journal articles). Students should write a comprehensive summary of the key findings from literature review and discuss the application of those findings to the business world; i.e., the employee’s current or former place of employment (or other workplaces as relevant). The submission should utilize APA guidelines for format and citations, double-spaced and contain 12-15 pages with the following sections

o Standard NSU Cover Page (1 page)
o Descriptive Title and Abstract (1 page)
o Body of Paper (10 pages) containing appropriately labeled section headers:

  1. Introduction
  2. Theory / Concept or Literature Discussion (known theory in the field – for example,Market-rate Compensation, Affordable Care Act of 2010, Incentive CompensationPlans).
  3. Application of Theory to the Workplace (nationally and/or internationally)
  4. Recommendations / Learning Points
  5. Conclusion

o References (1-2)
o Appendix (if needed for additional data, charts, graphs or tables that support research


The submission should provide a summary of major theories related to the course and apply said theories to real world business applications in the modern workplaces of employment (it can be where you work or other workplaces).

The following is the recommended rubric for the research paper.

HRM 5375 – Managing Total Rewards

Communicates in clear, logical, and understandable terms.





The presentation is colorful, innovative, and creative in style, substance, and overall learning value.





Grade Rubric Guide for Paper


Focused Abstract (added after paper is finalized) and then Introduction


Strong literature on the compensation / employee benefits topic with relevant analysis and supporting citations


Learning points, Implications and Recommendations for Practice


Summary and References

 I attached the intro paper you did for me orginally you can build on that. 

The submission should provide a summary of major theories related to

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