” you could use a couple of the texts as support for your point”,
” you could use a couple of the texts as support for your point”,.
Length: 2 pages. No less. Not much more. Works Cited page does not count as part of paper length
Format: MLA. See Purdue’s OWL MLA format website.
Topic: In this two-page paper, I would like for you to make a connection between what you’ve read and what is going on in the world. You don’t have to try to address everything (nor could you), but just make a connection between something that you’ve read and something that is currently on your mind in our culture. It could be politics, health, power, race, gender, sexuality, jobs. . . anything, really. You could use a couple of the texts as support for your point, but I don’t think I would try to talk about more than two texts in a paper that is this brief.
” You could use a couple of the texts as support for your point”, that is those PowerPoint you have been writing about.
3 Attachments
” you could use a couple of the texts as support for your point”,