Assignment 3: outline for television show analysis essay
Assignment 3: outline for television show analysis essay.
Assignment 3: Outline for Television Show Analysis Essay
- Write a detailed topic sentence outline for an analytical essay using information from your notes on the TV show you watched and from discussion in the TV Show Discussion Forum.
- Review outlines in the Writing Resources link. Use MLA format for all of your ENG 112 papers.
- This outline is a close analysis that will use specific supporting examples from the episodes you watched. You may also include quotes or paraphrases from the selected readings, as long as you cite them correctly.
- Your sentence outline should:
- Have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion
- Include the titles of the shows and the episodes (accurately cited according to MLA) (Note: show titles are underlined or italicized and episodes are within quotation marks)
- Include a clear thesis statement in the Introduction (See sample thesis statement above).
- Topic sentences for each body paragraph that make arguments that support the thesis
- Provide, under the topic sentence, specific supporting examples from the episodes (and, optionally, quotes/paraphrases from the readings)
- Include a conclusion that is related to the thesis
- Save your outline as a .doc or .docx file on your computer and submit it as an attachment here by clicking the BLUE link above. Be sure to click the Submit button or I won’t receive your file. Your posting will appear as a green exclamation point in the gradebook. When I have finished offering feedback on your outline, you may view my comments by re-clicking the link above.
NOTE: Please submit an outline and NOT a rough draft of the essay.
Purpose –Developing an outline helps you brainstorm for ideas and gather and collate your points into a comprehensive organization. This will help you develop a focused analysis essay due at the end of this unit.
Grading –This assignment is optional and NOT graded, but you have the opportunity to turn it in for feedback. If you turn the assignment in by the deadline, you will receive my comments on the depth and development of your points, the strength of your supporting evidence and the correctness of MLA format. Please note that the more energy and effort you put into your outline, the stronger your final essay will be.
Wrote on: Modern Family
last week assignment Television Show Analysis Essay