Create entity relationship diagram with at least two tables and their

Create entity relationship diagram with at least two tables and their.


Create and submit an ER Diagram with at least two tables and their attributes.  Your diagram should include:

  • Table Names (for each entity)
  • Attributes (first name, last name, city, etc.)
  • Primary Keys
  • Foreign keys
  • Relationships
  • Field types  (text, currency, numeric, date)

Your tables should be should be normalized (first, second and third normal forms)

You can use the attached form or upload your tables in Excel or create and link them in an Access database file.

For information on how to use Word to create and ERD, go to:

You can upload your tables in Excel, Word or create and link them in an Access database file.  If you use another tool please create a PDF file of the results.

Resources for Building ER Diagrams and Normalization: 

What is an ER Diagram:

Video Tutorial Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Training Video:

Video: How do I normalize a database:


Sample of a Diagram with many tables:

ER Diagram

Create entity relationship diagram with at least two tables and their

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