Engl 102 test 1 (liberty university)

Engl 102 test 1 (liberty university).


  1. What human characteristic is thematized in the excerpt?
  2. How the story opens and how it ends ________________.
  3. One of the most notable ironies about the characters is that __________.
  4. The setting of the story is ironic because __________.
  5. That little Davy Hutchinson, the small son of the victim, is given a few pebbles to throw at his mother suggests that __________.
  6. A “stock” character is stereotypical.
  7. The term used to describe information presented in an earlier part of the story that tends to make us accept as probable an event occurring in a later part is
  8. “Young Goodman Brown” was authored by
  9. An example of a plot pattern is metaphysical structure.
  10. In this story, the protagonist blurs the distinction between “luck” and “lucre”
  11. According to your online lessons, three perceptions can often be assigned to modern man: Determinism, Behaviorism, and Reductionism.
  12. D. H. Lawrence authored “The Destructors.”
  13. The official for the lottery was
  14. The where, when, and what of a story is the…
  15. In “The Destructors” the boys are members of the Wormsley Common Gang.  Of the following choices, which shows best the way they operate?
  16. A “flat” character is one dimensional. 
  17. “The Destructors” occurs in November. 
  18. A character that profits from experience and undergoes a change or development is called.
  19. Old Misery was too mean to spend money on his property.
  20. Read this excerpt from “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and answer the question that follows:“Mr. Summers called his own name and then stepped forward precisely and selected a slip from the box. Then he called, ‘Warner.’ ‘Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery,’ Old Man Warner said as he went through the crowd. ‘Seventy-seventh time.’
  21.  One can infer from this excerpt that not less than _____________ have “won” and fallen victim to the lottery.
  22. Hawthorne’s perspective is that all men are potentially evil and potentially good.
  23. In “Young Goodman Brown,” Hawthorne includes the names of actual (historical) places, such as
  24. Read this excerpt from “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and answer the question that follows:
  25.  “Dearest heart,” whispered [Faith], … “pray thee, put off your journey until sunrise, and sleep in your own bed to-night. A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts, that she’s afeard of herself, sometimes. Pray, tarry with me this night, dear husband, of all nights in the year!”
    “My love and my Faith,” replied young Goodman Brown, “of all nights in the year, this one night must I tarry away from thee. My journey, as thou callest it, forth and back again, must needs be done ‘twixt now and sunrise.
  26.  The word tarry appears twice, first in statements by Faith, and second in Goodman Brown’s reply.  What does it mean?The mother in “The Rocking Horse Winner” is truly lucky in many ways: she’s beautiful, married for love, had bonny children, and “started with all the advantages.”
  27. At the end of the story, he dies.
  28. “The Lottery” ends with the death of
  29. Pre-eighteenth century men are regarded as having gathered particulars to formulate universal.
  30. _____ is an optimistic belief in induction/deduction, i.e., a belief that particulars can be gathered to formulate universals.
  31. In “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” Malabar is
  32. According to the online lessons, there are four kinds of conflict: Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, and Metaphysical.
  33. The American author who added an interest in people’s personalities, emotions, and attitudes to the writing of short narrative fiction was the
  34. Which of the following identifies the term “denouement”?
  35. Another possible name for a character who undergoes no change.
  36. _____ is the turning point or high point in a plot.
  37. In “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” Hester is Paul’s
  38. According to the lectures (lessons), literature reading forces the person to interact with material in order to sustain mental activity.
  39. The author of a technically adept story uses no idle language.
  40. Motivation in the short story can be discussed in passages of analysis.
  41. The technical term “protagonist” is preferable to the popular term “hero” because it is less ambiguous.
  42. “The Lottery” was authored by
  43. Read this excerpt from “The Destructors” by Graham Greene and answer the question that follows: “Blackie lumbered nearer the saw and the sledge-hammer. Perhaps after all nobody had turned up; the plan had been a wild invention; they had woken wiser. But when he came close to the back door he could hear a confusion of sound hardly louder than a hive in swarm; a clickety-clack, a bang bang bang, a scraping, a creaking, a sudden painful crack. He thought; it’s true, and whistled.”  Why is confusion an effective choice?
  44. The plot is the same as the work’s content.
  45. The term used to describe the angle of vision from which a story is told
  46. Transcendentalism is a perception that man lives apart from nature.
  47. “The Destructors” takes place twelve years after WWI. 
  48. Any force arranged against the protagonist is the antagonist.
  49. Tales of the Magicians is Chinese in origin.
  50. An example of verbal irony in “The Rocking Horse Winner” is the opening statement that the mother “had no luck.”
  51. A flat character and round character are synonymous.
  52. In “The Rocking-Horse Winner” the whispers are symptoms, not causes. And Paul only makes them worse.  


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Engl 102 test 1 (liberty university)

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