Ethical issues: religion/spirituality in therapy

Ethical issues: religion/spirituality in therapy.


In a 3-5 page scholarly paper you will evaluate the Hot Topic attached. Address the concepts of the topic and your professional opinion on the issues addressed in “Ethical Issues for the Integration of Religion and Spirituality in Therapy.”

After reading the “Hot Topic” you will use the  Library to find 3-5 scholarly articles regarding ethics and religion/spirituality. You will evaluate the facts of each article and present your professional conclusions, using the text and other references.

Using the Ethics Code, evaluate how the Code works in a religious/spiritual therapy setting. Explain why the APA ethical standards are important in this application. When writing your paper, review all of the standards of the Code that you believe are particularly related to this topic. .

Along with the text, use a minimum of three to five scholarly journal articles.

Your project should include the following:

Title Page


Body paper 3-5 pages


Ethical issues: religion/spirituality in therapy

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