C-suite presentation | Information Systems homework help

C-suite presentation | Information Systems homework help.

You have recently accepted a new position at a large hospital that specializes in critical care of cancer patients. Your supervisor, the CIO, has requested you create and present to upper-level management (C-Suite: CEO, CFO, CSO, etc.) a presentation on the various actors your organization may face in the near future. The CIO impresses upon you the need for additional funding to secure key systems in the network, but cautions you against creating a state of panic as none of those attending have a deep understanding of cybersecurity.

Create a 10- to 12-slide digital presentation for upper-level management that explains the possible threats. Address the following: 

  • Research and identify the various threat actors of the digital world to include: APTs, cyberterrorism, script kiddies, cybercriminals, hacktivists, and insider threats.
  • Prioritize which threat actors would pose the greatest threat.
  • Utilizing the article “The Role of the Adversary Model in Applied Security Research,” located in the topic Resources, include an adversary model to compare and contract each threat actor. Include assumptions, goals, capabilities, favored techniques, and aversion to risk.
  • Identify the bad actors in cyberspace and compare and contrast their resources, capabilities/techniques, motivations, and aversion to risk.
  • Must include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.

C-suite presentation | Information Systems homework help

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