The college board reported the following mean scores for the three

The college board reported the following mean scores for the three.

The College Board reported the following mean scores for the three parts of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) (The World Almanac, 2009): 

Assume that the population standard deviation on each part of the test is standard deviation= 100.

What is the probability a sample of 90 test takers will provide a sample mean test score within 10 points of the population mean of 502 on the Critical Reading part of the test (to 4 decimals)?

What is the probability a sample of 90 test takers will provide a sample mean test score within 10 points of the population mean of 515 on the Mathematics part of the test (to 4 decimals)?

What is the probability a sample of 100 test takers will provide a sample mean test score within 10 of the population mean of 494 on the writing part of the test (to 4 decimals)? 

(next question)
The mean tax-return preparation fee H&R Block charged retail customers last year was $183 (The Wall Street Journal, March 7, 2012). Use this price as the population mean and assume the population standard deviation of preparation fees is $50.

Round your answers to four decimal places.

a. What is the probability that the mean price for a sample of 30 H&R Block retail customers is within $8 of the population mean?

b. What is the probability that the mean price for a sample of 50 H&R Block retail customers is within $8 of the population mean?

c. What is the probability that the mean price for a sample of 100 H&R Block retail customers is within $8 of the population mean?

d. Which, if any, of the sample sizes in parts (a), (b), and (c) would you recommend to have at least a .95 probability that the sample mean is within $8 of the population mean? 

The college board reported the following mean scores for the three

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