Legal and safety responsibilities in education

Legal and safety responsibilities in education.


An important aspect of classroom management is keeping students safe. Student safety concerns include the use of technology and other classroom resources, maintaining students’ privacy, bullying, trauma, and child abuse. Teachers need to be aware of their legal and ethical responsibilities when it comes to protecting students in their classrooms.

For this assignment, prepare a 10-12 slide digital presentation  for an upcoming professional development for fellow teachers. Explain applicable federal/state/local laws and the current school and district policies related to teachers’ responsibilities to protect students’ rights and safety. 

The presentation should include specific examples related to four of the following topics:

  • Digital citizenship (e.g., communication, literacy, etiquette, law, rights and responsibilities, and security)

Two additional topics from the list below:

  • Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation/Violence, on and off campus
  • Searches of students (e.g., drugs, weapons, cellphones)
  • Reporting requirements for suspected child abuse
  • FERPA and students’ privacy rights
  • Trauma or traumatic events (e.g., fire, bomb threat, evacuation)

One additional topic from the list below:

  • Extracurricular teacher assignments and responsibilities (e.g., playground supervision, coaching, club sponsoring)
  • Maintaining inclusion classrooms and compliance with IEPs for students with exceptionalities
  • Managing a classroom when 1:1 technology is present
  • Teachers’ professional behavior on and off campus, and online when communicating with the community, colleagues, and stakeholders

In addition, create a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.

Support your presentation with a minimum of three resources.

Legal and safety responsibilities in education

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