Reading response (300 words only)

Reading response (300 words only).

Wednesday’s contribution to this discussion board has 3 parts.

First, review the “ETC” argument, the counterargument, and the final Informed Rhetorical Argument titled “Shouldn’t Graffiti Be Considered Art?” Next answer the following questions.

  • What “concessions” does the student author make to the counterargument? In other words, how does she “synthesize” her thesis ad her antithesis to come to a conclusion that is somehow a reconciliation of both?
  • Since we can read the “raw materials” that went into this essay,  what did the author include from those “raw materials”? What did she  refine or revise? What did she exclude?
  • As for the parts that she did include (revised or not!), how did she  organize those parts into her final essay so that they took the reader  down a cohesive and easy-to-follow “path”, to use the language from our  reading “The Post-Draft Outline”?

Second, read the final IRA “Should Genetically Modified Mosquitos Be Used to Eradicate Mosquito Borne Diseases?”Preview the document Then answer the same question from above:

  • What “concessions” does the student author make to the counterargument? In other words, how does she “synthesize” her thesis ad her antithesis to come to a conclusion that is somehow a reconciliation of both?

Lastly, read “Obesity in America and Why it’s an Issue”. Using our rubric for the final IRA essay (screenshots of the rubric are uploaded)answer the following questions:

  • What criteria does this essay meet well? How? (Be sure to include  specific textual examples both from the essay and from our rubric.)
  • What criteria does this essay not meet well? Why? How? (Be sure to  include specific textual examples both from the essay and from our  rubric.)
  • What grade would you give this essay?

Reading response (300 words only)

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