American history ( need this for tonight)

American history ( need this for tonight).

Place yourself (same age, family situation, and relative occupation) in early 1770s Boston. You are inspired to write a letter to someone (family, friend, co-worker, etc.) outside of the area about what you have seen or heard happening with regards to the growing rift with Britain. Below are questions you must address in your letter. Your nation is on the brink of war. What has caused this? In your current situation, how has the foreign government impacted you, and what you are seeing evolve as the American government? Are you hoping to see a new nation emerge, or are you hoping for a reconciliation with Britain? You are encouraged to be creative with the assignment, but make sure you are using facts from what you have read and learned to guide you. Your letter must be a minimum of one page, double spaced, and written in Times New Roman 12 point font.

American history ( need this for tonight)

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