Create a scenario that would fall under the strain theory. in the

Create a scenario that would fall under the strain theory. in the.

A general strain theory was proposed by Robert Agnew. In this theory, he proposed that strain did not arise when people had a failure to meet the American Dream, but that everyone, in every social class, had frustrations in his or her daily life.

Most strain theorists listed failure to achieve goals as a major strain precipitator. Agnew had identified two additional sources of strain: presentation of noxious stimuli and removal of positively valued stimuli. Examples of presentation of noxious stimuli would be an abusive parent, an overly critical instructor, and an overly demanding employer. Examples of the removal of positively valued stimuli would be losing a job, getting a divorce, and filing for bankruptcy.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

  • Create a scenario that would fall under the strain theory.
  • In the scenario, provide an explanation of each of the following:
    • The loss of the major goal
    • The presentation of the noxious stimuli
    • The removal of the positively valued stimuli
  • When you have these 3 inputs of strain in your scenario, address the following:
    • How would the person in the scenario react with criminal behavior or behavior that would not be acceptable to society? Explain.
    • How could cognitive restructuring be used to prevent the person from partaking in criminal behavior? Explain.

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Create a scenario that would fall under the strain theory. in the

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