Ethics essay | Criminal homework help

Ethics essay | Criminal homework help.

Based upon your reading of Dr. Christina Sommers’ article on Virtue Ethics and & the video lecture by Tamar Gendler on the same topic, write a 3 page essay (Works Cited as a 4th page) answering the questions given in the instructions.

You need to support your analysis with at least one short quotation from the reading and/or video, properly notated.   MLA or APA style. 

Please support your essay with at least 2 additional sources.


Based upon your reading of Dr. Christina Sommers’ article on Virtue Ethics & the video lecture by Tamar Gendler on the same, you will need to answer the following questions.

  • According to Sommers, what is the main problem today and what is her basic answer both in terms of content and scope?
  • What part of Christina Sommers’ analysis and proposal you find convincing, if any, and what part of it, if any, do you find questionable?
  • Do you think this approach of Professor Gendler to how virtue ethics becomes part of us goes along with Professor Sommers’ thesis on what is needed in schools today or not?

Ethics essay | Criminal homework help

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