Group work – barstool sport

Group work – barstool sport.

I am doing a group work. We are running barstool sports, my part is Financial Controls.  we are going to open a physical store in boston MA. please calcaulate the cost and stuff below. Also the distribution part. 

Using the demand estimates obtained in STP section above, provide information about the financial projections for the product/service in terms of sales and profitability. At a minimum, this section should include a marketing profitability analysis that involves identifying the type and amount of major revenue and cost items that result from the introduction of the product/service to the market for the company in the first year of operations. Also, explain how you will evaluate the extent to which your marketing plan is “successful” at the end of the first, second and third years (what are your expectations in terms of profitability, market share, return on sales etc. (i.e., your criteria of success)?

At least 4 pages double space.  due 12-12 -2017 please 

Group work – barstool sport

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