Leadership portfolio | Business writing | Florida State College at Jacksonville

Leadership portfolio | Business writing | Florida State College at Jacksonville.


Four-Six-page paper APA format, excluding cover and reference pages.

The assignment is broken into two parts. Part One is addressing the first four questions directed at leadership. 

Address the following questions in Part One of your paper: 

· How do you define leadership? 

· Why are you excited about being a leader? 

· What are your key values? 

· What will be your expectations for your team? 

In Part Two of the paper during the course, you will address several assignments you’ve completed: (a) reflections, (b) personality profile, (c) GAP analysis, and (d) leadership maxims.

No plagiarism

due 4:00 pm

Textbook Title: Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience

Author: Richard Hughes and Robert Ginnett and Gordon Curphy

Year: 2019

Leadership portfolio | Business writing | Florida State College at Jacksonville

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