milestones in language and literacy

milestones in language and literacy.


As a teacher, it is crucial to know the milestones for language and literacy based on the age and developmental level of students in order to know how to differentiate and accommodate students’ needs.

Part 1: Milestones in Language and Literacy Chart

Research the specific milestones related to the elementary grade K-8 state English Language Arts standards for the following areas of literacy:

  • Language development
  • Reading development
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Presenting

Using your research, complete the “Milestones in Language and Literacy” template, which will serve as a resource for the remaining assignments and field experiences within this course.

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Part 2: Language and Literacy Reflection             

Using the “Milestones in Language and Literacy” template, summarize and reflect upon the factors affecting language development and emergent literacy in 250-500 words. Within your reflection, describe:

  • The importance of building on students’ current language skills to promote language.
  • The effect of language and literacy development on language acquisition.
  • How you will use your findings in your future professional practice

milestones in language and literacy

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