Psy-4500:week 2 – assignment: analyze experiments

Psy-4500:week 2 – assignment: analyze experiments.


For this task, choose two experiments – one from Chapter 1, and another from Chapter 3. You will prepare two separate analyses. For each analysis, include the following:

  • A brief summary of the study
  • A one paragraph explanation of   the background in the field leading up to the study, and the reasons the researchers carried out the project
  • The significance of the study to the field of psychology
  • A brief discussion of supportive or contradictory follow-up research findings and subsequent questioning or criticism from others in the field   
  •  A summary of at least one recent experiment (within the past two years) that is related to the seminal experiment (Hint: Excellent sources for recent research summaries are the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology and the Association for Psychological Science).
  • A brief discussion of how the original research, and the research following it, contributed to the genetics versus environment debate in psychology.

Length: 3 – 3.5 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to the topic.  Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.  Be careful to adhere to Northcentral’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Psy-4500:week 2 – assignment: analyze experiments

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