Designing a 24vdc motor control circuit

Designing a 24vdc motor control circuit.

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 Microprocessor Systems Engineering

Designing a 24VDC Motor Control Circuit

Design an Arduino Uno based 24VDC motor control circuit.  The motor should start with the presence of a 5V signal, however it will have its own power supply.  The circuit will be designed and simulated with MultiSIM.  Include the following:

  • Engineering calculations to justify component selection.
  • Screenshot of the circuit constructed with MultiSIM (or equivalent circuit simulator)
  • Screenshot of the circuit simulation running and the measurements of the input voltage and voltage on each lead of the DC motor.
  • Include a discussion of the importance of electrical isolation when interfacing microcontrollers to higher voltage inductive circuits (motors).  Include detail of how electrical isolation can be achieved to protect the microcontroller and motor.

Designing a 24vdc motor control circuit

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