Ihp 525 milestone four guidelines and rubric overview | biostatistics information | Southern New Hampshire University

Ihp 525 milestone four guidelines and rubric overview | biostatistics information | Southern New Hampshire University.

 IHP 525 Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric Overview: Your task is to help the organization answer their question by critically analyzing the data. You will run descriptive statistics and a statistical test, create a graph, interpret the results, and present the results and recommendations to non-technical decision makers in the form of a statistical report. Keep in mind that it is your job to do this from a statistical standpoint. Be sure to justify your conclusions and recommendations with appropriate statistical support. Prompt: In Milestone Three, you created a table listing the statistics you were going to complete to investigate your health question. In Milestone Four, you will actually complete these calculations. Specifically, you must address these critical elements: A. Graphs: In this section, you will use graphical displays to examine the data. 1. Create at least one graph that gives a sense of the potential relationship between the two variables that form your chosen health question. Include the graph and discuss why you selected it as opposed to others. B. Conduct an appropriate statistical test to answer your health question. C. Explain why this test is the best choice in this context. D. Analysis of Biostatistics: Use this section to describe your findings from a statistical standpoint. Be sure to: 1. Present key biostatistics from the graph(s) and statistical test and explain what they mean. Be sure to include a spreadsheet showing your work or a copy of your StatCrunch output as an appendix. 2. What statistical inferences or conclusions can you draw based on the results of your statistical test, descriptive statistics and graph? Justify your response. 

Ihp 525 milestone four guidelines and rubric overview | biostatistics information | Southern New Hampshire University

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