Week 8 hs210 | Human Resource Management homework help

Week 8 hs210 | Human Resource Management homework help.

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There are two parts in this Assignment for Unit 8, view an introduction to part 1, view an introduction for part 2. Be sure to adjust your audio settings.
Review the Assignment Instructions and Grading Rubric.Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:Perform billing and collection procedures.Post payments adjustments on a patient ledger.Process a credit balance.Process refunds, non-sufficient fund (NSF) checks, collection agency payments.Prepare a bank deposit.Post entries on a daysheet.Perform accounts receivable procedures.Coach patients regarding office policies
Course outcomes assessed/addressed in this Assignment:
HS210-1: Perform bookkeeping and operational procedures in a healthcare setting.
Part 1: Patient Ledger & Bank Deposit SlipDownload from Course Documents the “PT Day sheet Ledger Template”.Work through the information provided in the template to fill in the ledger.Download the Bank Deposit Detail Template from Course DocumentsFill in the bank deposit sheet using the information supplied on the bank deposit form.
Part 2: Write a 200 word script describing how you might coach a patient (Mr Rosen) during his first office visit. Advise him of a) the medical office policy regarding his responsibility, as the guarantor, for services rendered in your medical practice, b) the policy for releasing medical records, and c) another policy of your choice that demonstrates your understanding of office policy and the importance of properly coaching your patients.
Submitting Your Work
For directions on how to submit your work and review your graded Assignments, refer to the Dropbox Guide found on the Academic Tools tab. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted work.

Week 8 hs210 | Human Resource Management homework help

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