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All work solver | English homework help.


Use this discussion sample pdf that is uploaded below as a guide when completing your own analysis.

Economic measures are an important piece of the market assessment process. In this discussion, you will work on the following critical elements of the final project: Economic Measures, and Transportation and Telecommunication. Using The World Factbook, World Bank (World Bank Video Transcript: INT-113 Geek out with Tariq – The Geek and the Internet Transcript Word Document), Trading Economics, and Santander Trade Markets, find the following economic data on your project country:

  • Interest rates 
  • Unemployment
  • Inflation
  • GDP
  • GDP growth rate
  • Exchange rates against USD
  • Exchange rate regime
  • Labor force major industries
  • FDI rates

Using The World Factbook, identify the following elements of physical infrastructure:

Consider the data collected and make some observations on the stability and strength of the economy in your project country. What do high and low levels of unemployment indicate? What does the exchange rate regime tell you about the economy? Consider the presence of existing industries and identify areas of opportunity or risk. Also consider the logistics of shipping and distribution based on physical infrastructure.


 What ideas do you have for presentations in community health education, based on your understanding of your chosen community? Be sure to justify your answer with examples.

Discussion 3

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Think about your current or a previous job, or a job you know well. Imagine that the HR department was going to design a compensation approach for that job that was aligned with reinforcement, expectancy, and agency theories.

Briefly describe the job you are writing about, then describe a compensation approach for that job that aligns with all 3 theories. 

Consider the following questions when writing your response:

  • What are the potential advantages of this plan?
  • What are the potential negatives of this plan?
  • What might be difficult in administering this plan?

All work solver | English homework help

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