Latin ii semester 2 exam

Latin ii semester 2 exam.

1. Translate the first paragraph of the passage into English. Notes and vocabulary are below. Hercules Captures Cerberus

Postquam flumen Stygem auxilio Charonis transiit, Hercules in sedem ipsius Plutonis venit; ab eo petivit, ut Cerberum auferre sibi liceret. Pluto, qui de Hercule famam audiverat, eum benigne excepit, et facultatem quam ille petebat libenter dedit. Imperavit tamen Herculi ipsi, ubi res imperatas ab Eurystheo fecerat, Cerberum in Orcum rursus reducere. Hercules hoc ei pollicitus est, et Cerberum, quem non sine magno periculo manibus prehenderat, summo cum labore ex Orco in lucem et ad urbem Eurysthei traxit.

2.  Choose the correct case and function of flumen in line 1. 

nominative subject 

accusative direct object 

vocative direct address 

ablative of place where 

none of the above 

3.  Choose the correct case and function of ipsius in line 1. 

nominative subject 

accusative direct object 

genitive possession

ablative of means 

ablative of place where

4.  Choose the correct case and function of sibi in line 2. 

dative indirect object 

dative of reference 

dative of purpose 

ablative of agent 

none of the above 

5.  To whom does sibi in line 2 refer? 





none of the above 

6.  Choose the correct case and function of eum in line 3. 

nominative subject 

accusative direct object 

accusative object of preposition 

nominative complement 

none of the above 

7.  Choose the correct case and function of Eurystheo in line 4. 

dative indirect object 

dative with special verb 

ablative of means 

ablative of agent 

none of the above 

8.  Choose the correct case and function of ei in line 5. 

nominative subject 

dative of reference 

dative with special verb 

ablative of means 

none of the above 

9.  To whom does quem refer in line 5? 





none of the above 

10.  Choose the correct case and function of manibus in line 6. 

ablative of means 

ablative of agent 

ablative of time when 

ablative of cause 

none of the above 

11.  Which best describes venerat in line 8? 





1 st person 

12.  To whom does se refer in line 8? 





none of the above 

13.  Choose the correct case and function of lacrimis in line 9. 

ablative of means

ablative of manner

ablative of time when 

dative indirect object 

none of the above 

14.  Choose the correct case and function of omnium in line 10. 

 accusative direct object 

accusative of duration of time 

accusative object of preposition 

genitive of possession 

none of the above

15.   Choose the correct case and function of annis in line 11. 

ablative of time within 

ablative of time when 

ablative absolute 

ablative of manner 

none of the above 

16.  Choose the correct case and function of virtute in line 12. 

ablative of means 

ablative of time when

 ablative absolute 

ablative of manner 

none of the above 

17.  Find and record an ablative absolute from the story 

18.  Find and record two perfect passive participles from the story. 

19.  Find and record one indirect statement from the story. 

20.  Find and record two verbs in the passive voice from the story.

21.  Find and record two relative clauses from the story.

22.  Choose the correct Latin for the phrase: we were going. 

23.  Choose the correct Latin for the phrase: you will become. 

24.  Choose the correct Latin for the phrase: you prefer. 

25.  Choose the correct Latin for the phrase: they will be.

26.  Choose the correct Latin for the phrase: you do not wish. 

27.  Where did Octavian and Agrippa defeat Antony and Cleopatra? 

28.  What does the name Augustus mean?

29.  What did Augustus’ political policies stress? 

30.  Who is queen of the underworld? 

31.  What was the role of the Furies?

32.  How many judges did the underworld have?

33.  Where did heroes go in the Underworld? 

34.  Pluto was god of the Underworld and

35.  Hannibal accomplished what great feat?

36.  The general who finally defeated Hannibal was.

Latin ii semester 2 exam

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