What does literature offer an individual?

What does literature offer an individual?.

Chapter 1 of our text provides a number of reasons why people choose to explore literature. Clugston (2014) writes that there is “a powerful curiosity about human relationships and how to cope in the world in which we find ourselves” (section 1.1, “Connecting: Entering Into a Literary Experience,” para. 2). The text gives a number of general motivations for reading, but it is helpful to put those motivations into context. Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length, not including references.

In your post, answer the following questions:

  • What does literature offer an individual?
  • How has the importance of reading changed from earlier eras (pre-digital/audio/visual media) to our present day? Do you think we read differently now than we did in prior generations?
  • Do you think Clugston’s quote is valid? How have perceptions regarding the value of literature changed, if at all?
  • What causes people’s perceptions regarding the value of literature to change?

As you consider these questions and begin writing, incorporate readings found in Chapters 1-3 to help illustrate the points you make.

What does literature offer an individual?

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