1 tabular and graphical summaries for each of the four variables

1 tabular and graphical summaries for each of the four variables.

the motion picture industry is a competitive business.More than 50 studios produce a total of 300 to400 new motion pictures each year,and the financial success of each motion picture varies considerably.The opening weekend gross sales ($millions), the total gross sales ($millions),the number of theaters the movie was shown in,and the number of weeks the motion picture was in the top 60 for gross sales are common variables used to measure the success of a motion picture.Data collected for a sample of 100 motion pictures produced in 2005 are contained in the file named movies.table 2.18 shows the data for the first 10 motion pictures in this file


  Managerial report questions

1 Tabular and graphical summaries for each of the four variables along with a discussion of what each summary tells us about the motion picture industry.

2 A scatter diagram to explore the relationship between total gross sales and opening weekend Gross sales discuss .

3A scatter diagram to explore the relationship between total gross sales and numbers of theaters discuss

4A scatter diagram to explore the relationship between total gross sales and numbers of weeks in the top 60 discuss

1 tabular and graphical summaries for each of the four variables

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