Absolutely no plagiarism, education/ professional/ credited sources
Absolutely no plagiarism, education/ professional/ credited sources.
Absolutely no plagiarism, education/ professional/ credited sources only!
Prepare 2 separate documents that is typed, double-spaced, and grammatically correct in Times New Roman with Font size set at 12 point with margins of 1 inch. Be sure to follow APA (6th ed.) format, including: appropriate cover page header, title, author(s) in text citation, and reference Page, course information. References cited page must be in APA format.
you are free to choose whatever video links. they must be educational
Look at the videos and based on what you see, write a paper on how the “soft skills” can be utilized by management/HR when recruiting, training, disciplining, etc. Minimum 3 pages (excluding cover page)
Absolutely no plagiarism, education/ professional/ credited sources