Discussion board week 5 | History homework help

Discussion board week 5 | History homework help.

This module/week focuses on questions of education policy. The focus will shift from public schools to vouchers for private schools to the alternative of homeschooling. The same question that can be asked about the government’s role in the category of social justice can be asked about the government’s role in education.

  • Textbook Readings
  • Presentation: Education Policy, Home Schools, and Christian Schools

This exercise provides a review of the key Biblical and Constitutional principles which inform the May analysis for education policy

For this Discussion Board Forum, interact in a free-flowing discussion of the biblical and constitutional parameters for the particular policy focus being discussed this module/week. In other words, you must discuss the “May” portion of the “May-Can-Should” approach to policy analysis and implementation. Engage the ideas of your classmates and the required readings and presentations in a meaningful and thoughtful manner.

Remember to provide thoughts on what government should or should not do from a biblical and constitutional perspective. Also discuss what other groups, individuals, and organizations (possibly including state and local government) should be doing within society to address the policy issues discussed in this module/week.

Discussion board week 5 | History homework help

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