Innovation/entrepreneurial change presentation | Management homework help
Innovation/entrepreneurial change presentation | Management homework help.
Use the same organization that your team selected for the Week 3 Innovation/Entrepreneurial Change Annotated Bibliography Assignment.
Create a 4-6 slides Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with detailed speaker’s notes, on your innovative strategic plan to move the organization back to innovative vitality.
Present two innovative solutions that the organization can use to solve its current downfall.
Address the following in your presentation:
****The history and process that led the organization to its current state (include an analysis of the missed opportunities for innovation as well as an analysis of the organization’s ecosystem in terms of innovation).
****A comprehensive description of the proposed innovation strategy, that includes:
Details on the process for change
Key players within the organization
The most critical market impact
Technology acquisition plans
Current competition profiles
Innovation/entrepreneurial change presentation | Management homework help