Module 02 written assignment – outline and annotated bibliography

Module 02 written assignment – outline and annotated bibliography.

 Previous Assignment attached for reference- APA format 3 Pages- Annotated Bibliography  (3 credible sources and summary of the source) & Outline 

This is the week you turn in your outline and annotated bibliography to give direction to your paper (Review the assignment in Module 01.)


  • Provide a strong thesis statement outlines the path that your project will follow. Remember to reflect on an argumentative point of view (through an assumption or myth)
  • Outline should support thesis, listing topics and sub-topics for your project.

Annotated Bibliography:

  1. Annotated paragraphs for at least 3 sources include summary of the source, an evaluation, and description of source’s usefulness.
  2. Properly formatted using APA guidelines.
  3. Mechanics follow required standards.

Recap of Project Goal:

  • Write an argumentative research paper on a managed care-related topic, assumption or myth; thoroughly explaining what it is, why it’s important, and how it fundamentally impacts the managed care system today. You will gather evidence on present a well-reasoned argument or debatable issue. The goal of an argumentative paper is to show that your perspective is valid. You are to form reasons, draw conclusions and apply them to your findings. The purpose is not to completely prove your point, but to convince readers, with your evidence, that your argument or position has merit.
  • Your project is due by the end of Week 05. Along the way, you are responsible to do the research and writing and turn in portions of your project according to the following Time Line. (You will be given specific instructions each week.)

Module 02 written assignment – outline and annotated bibliography

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