Use a font size of 12, times new roman, double-spacing, and margins

Use a font size of 12, times new roman, double-spacing, and margins.


The length of your essays is entirely up to you, but you MUST write a minimum of 4 FULL pages for each essay. Writing more than four FULL pages for each essay is fine, but writing less than four FULL pages per essay will have a VERY negative impact on your grade.

Use a font size of 12, Times New Roman, double-spacing, and margins at 1 inch. (This is not the standard default setting for a WORD file so you will need to change your margins to 1 inch).

You MUST draw heavily from the textbook when writing each of your essays. I want LOTS (and I mean LOTS) of examples from the textbook complete with page numbers. You can either put the page numbers in parentheses at the end of your sentence or refer to the page numbers directly in a sentence: “On page 56 of the textbook it says…” If you do not include page numbers from the textbook in your essays you will receive a grade of ZERO on the exam. Also, Do NOT use direct quotes from the textbook: write the essays in your own words. If you use direct quotes you will fail the exam. Please note that you can ONLY use the course textbook for this exam; no outside sources, such as the internet, can be used

Use a font size of 12, times new roman, double-spacing, and margins

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