A.(10 points) business plan assignment: business plan: the market

A.(10 points) business plan assignment: business plan: the market.


A.(10 Points) Business Plan Assignment: Business Plan: The MARKET draft (See page 234- 239)


B.(20 Points) Review the Chapter 9 Mini-Case: “YAK Milk” (P. 312) and answer the following questions:

a.How did Dongzhou Gongbu “discover” the new product?

b.What was the “total product”?

c.Who do you imagine is the target market for Yak milk? Why?

d.How might he use this in advertising?

e.Can you think of another product that is basically the same as the competition and has been positioned much differently to command a higher price?

C.(20 Points) You Tube Assignment: View the following You Tube Video: “Robert Kiyosaki 2019 – The Speech That Broke the Internet!!! KEEP THEM POOR!” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azq0S0DKS50)


b.Summarize (minimum 300 words)

c.ANSWER THE QUESTION…”Do you believe/accept his premise?”

the only one that requires 300 words is the summary.. everything else is just your way to answer  

this is the link for that book https://b-ok.cc/book/5410504/876674 

A.(10 points) business plan assignment: business plan: the market

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