Assignment: mathematics in healthcare | Applied Sciences homework help

Assignment: mathematics in healthcare | Applied Sciences homework help.

Assignment: Mathematics in Healthcare


Course outcome:

In 2–6 pages; excluding any title page, references, appendices, etc.

Demonstrate competencies relevant to a career focus area within health sciences.

Relate mathematics to the discipline of Health Science.


Give examples of two problems in the healthcare field that have mathematical solutions.

Description: Identify two healthcare problems with mathematical solutions. An actual or hypothetical situation may be used as an example. Any actual situation should be presented as a hypothetical one, with any names and other identifying information changed to protect anonymity. Begin with a brief summary of the situation. Provide step-be-step demonstration of the math execution. Give a rationale for why this example is important to practice.


In 2–6 pages; excluding any title page, references, appendices, etc.

Unit 1 Assignment Grading Rubric = 100 points




Assignment: mathematics in healthcare | Applied Sciences homework help

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