Discussion 1: changing nature of helping in human services

Discussion 1: changing nature of helping in human services.


In the field of human services, cases may sometimes seem more direct than they truly are, posing challenges in defining problems for clients. It is important, however, to recognize the multidimensionality of clients’ needs in order to provide optimal service in these situations. For this Discussion, review the media program “Introduction to the Case Study” for an overview by Dr. Barbara Benoliel. Then, review the media program, “The Situation: Chapter 1.” As you consider the overt issues of the case and the multidimensionality of the specific client’s needs, reflect on how these factors and the changing nature of human services might influence how incidents are defined.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a description of how the domestic dispute incident was defined in the media presentation. Then, explain how you would prefer to see this incident defined. Finally, explain how the changing nature of helping in human services might impact the definition of the incident and why.


Discussion 1: changing nature of helping in human services

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