Econ201-essay4–international trade simulation assignment | Economics homework help

Econ201-essay4–international trade simulation assignment | Economics homework help.


International Trade Simulation: Trade Ruler:


“The Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory is about how two countries can get greater gains from trading with each other if they have different resources – one have more labor and the other have more capital (that is technical equipment and machinery).

By specializing in production, and by trading with other countries, it is possible for countries to increase their incomes. Even though countries as a whole benefit from specialization and international trade, all groups in society, workers and capitalists, do not gain according to the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. If international trade leads a country to specialize in producing goods that require lots of workers and little capital, such a specialization increases wages (which benefits the workers) but decreases the income of the capital owners. But the country as a whole benefits because the gain of the workers is bigger than the loss of the capital owners.

The Trade Ruler game is set in “the Hechscher-Ohlin world” you are to make an island (a country) prosper by trading. As a ruler of an island you want to engage in international trade to achieve this goal” (Nobel Media, 2011).

After playing the game (estimated to last about 15 minutes), answer the following questions in the form of a short essay.  Your completed essay should be at least 250 words in length:

1. Did your selected country have more labor or capital?
2. Why did you select this particular country?
3. Did your selected trading partner have more labor or capital?
4. Why did you select this particular trading partner?
5. Did you increase or decrease the welfare of your country by engaging in international trade?  Why?

Please write and submit your reflection as a doc or docx attachment.

Econ201-essay4–international trade simulation assignment | Economics homework help

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