Graduate student success plan | ECE 600 Leadership, Innovation, and Social Justice in Early Childhood Education | Ashford University

Graduate student success plan | ECE 600 Leadership, Innovation, and Social Justice in Early Childhood Education | Ashford University.


The following content areas are required for this assignment:

· Ashford Graduate Student Expectations

o Explain how you will uphold and contribute to Ashford’s graduate culture in your experience as a student in the Masters of Arts in Early Childhood Education Leadership (MAECEL) program.

o Discuss at least three personal and professional characteristics or expectations of successful graduate students and explain how these characteristics will contribute to your academic success in the MAECEL program.

· ECE Professional Knowledge and Skills

o Explain how the NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation will inform your practices as an early childhood education professional and leader in the field.

o Based on the NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation and the MAECEL Program Learning Outcomes, discuss one of your perceived areas of strength. Provide an example of how you have demonstrated strength in this area (through ECE professional experience or experience outside of ECE).

· Planning for Success

o Discuss at least two academic skills that you would like to expand or build to support your academic success in the MAECEL program. Provide two examples of actions you can take to build these skills.

o Discuss at least two professional skills that you would like to expand or build to support your professional ECE experience or expertise. Provide two examples of actions you can take to build these skills or characteristics (i.e., learning to conduct professional development trainings).

o Explore the Student Services available at Ashford University (Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.), Ashford Library (Links to an external site.), Access and Wellness (Links to an external site.), Career Services (Links to an external site.), Online Peer Mentors (Links to an external site.), Office of Service and Student Leadership (Links to an external site.), Online Honor Societies (Links to an external site.), Online Military Community Resources (Links to an external site.), Online Student Organizations (Links to an external site.), Online Student Volunteerism (Links to an external site.)). Explain how you will leverage at least three of the available Ashford Student Services to support your academic and professional success as a graduate student.

· Goal Setting

o Write one academic or professional goal you would like to accomplish by the end of the course. Briefly explain what actions you will take to achieve your goal.

o Write one academic or professional goal you would like to accomplish by the end of the MAECEL program. Briefly explain what actions you will take to achieve your goal.


Graduate student success plan | ECE 600 Leadership, Innovation, and Social Justice in Early Childhood Education | Ashford University

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