hospitality research and reflection | Reading homework help

hospitality research and reflection | Reading homework help.

 Topic: Evaluate the challenge of diverse cultural values and norms in hospitality foodservice and hotel management

-You will write a  one page summary of a current article or issue you have researched, read, or listened

(cite the reference where you obtain the information by providing the website link or source on the top of your writing)

-These international issues must be hospitality related

and reflect to the objectives of the week (This week: Evaluate the challenge of diverse cultural values and norms in hospitality foodservice and hotel management.)

-You must provide your  personal comments (six lines or more)

-Assignments will be graded based on the following:

Reflection to weekly learning objectives-50%

-Topic must be related to at least one of the concepts based on Power point lecture.

-Length of article summary at least six lines or more 25%

-Length of personal comments at least six lines or more 25%

hospitality research and reflection | Reading homework help

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