Lession 5 chapter 5, “from building a model to adaptive robust

Lession 5 chapter 5, “from building a model to adaptive robust.


  • Chapter 5, “From Building a Model to Adaptive Robust Decision-Making Using Systems Modeling” 

Please find 5 research article related to the topics discussed in Chapter 5. 

Topics could include:

  • System dynamics
  • Multi-actor systems modeling
  • Complex adaptive systems modeling

or any other topic contained in the chapter.

After reading and finding the 5 research articles, create an annotated bibliography. The deliverable will be one MS Word file that you will submit here. 

Here is a link with instructions on how to create an annotated bibliography. 

How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography: The Annotated Bibliography

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Lession 5 chapter 5, “from building a model to adaptive robust

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