Managment class | Human Resource Management homework help

Managment class | Human Resource Management homework help.

Prepare a written responses to one (1) writing prompt below. Your written response should demonstrate how you gained further insight about an Organizational Behavior concept while applying the concept to your personal life experience. Your written response should: 

•           be formatted as a one-page, single-spaced, 12-pt font document, with 1-inch margins,

•           include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph,

•           contain logical and useful organization of ideas,

•          display correct grammar, mechanics, and punctuation, which includes the use of complete (not fragmented) sentences,

•           contain adequate tie-in to the text,

•           adequately answer the writing prompt, and

•           include student’s name as a header in the top right corner.


Prompt 1: Using Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development (p. 274), describe a time when you joined a group for work, sports, or school. Did your group follow these stages of group development? Now that you know about Tuckman’s stages, does this information help you better understand the process your group went through?

Prompt 2: Using the models for decision-making in Chapter 12 as a guide, identify a time when you used a particular model to make an important decision. Did you accidentally (or purposefully) used a decision-making bias? Were you satisfied with the outcome of your decision?

Prompt 3: Identify at least 4 reasons why people purposefully avoid conflict (p.370), then tell me if you are a person who avoids conflict or not. Use at least one real life example to elaborate.

Don’t use any other book or source. use only my book, i uplod my material and ebook.

Kreitner, R. and Kinicki, A. (2012). Organizational Behavior. 10th edition

Managment class | Human Resource Management homework help

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