Rels201 | World history homework help

Rels201 | World history homework help.

Goal: The goal of this forum is to be introduced to the fundamentals of Confucianism and Daoism. 

Course Objective(s):

  • CO1 Identify the influence that major world religions have on society and illustrate the importance of studying religion today.
  • CO2 Describe and evaluate the key beliefs and characteristics of each major world religion and show how they are reflected in political and social structures and attitudes.
  • CO3 Examine and summarize the universal and unique forms of religious expression found in the major world religions (e.g., sacred places, symbols, ethics, and rituals).


  • Select one (1) option from below and develop your Initial Response and reply to at least two (2) other students (peer replies).
  • Please see the Forum Guidelines and the attached rubric for grading details. 


The concept of Filial Piety was first introduced by Confucius in his writing entitled, The Classic of Filial Piety, and has been a prominent teaching in China since its publication around 400 BCE. Analyze the concept of Filial Piety and demonstrate the relationship that exists between it and “Ren” as it pertains to the process and need for ancestral worship.


Some of the major issues impacting the quality of life in China today includes the social and environmental damage that has come as a result of China’s rapid industrialized economic success. Focus on just one of these issues (Either Social or Environmental) and then evaluate whether or not you believe that the renewal of Taoist principles in China are offering effective solutions for addressing these issues?  In  your response you will need to specifically identify your issue (ex: Environmental – Water Pollution), the specific principles of Taoism that are being implemented, and practical examples that will support your viewpoint that these principles of Taoism are or are not an effective means for addressing this issue.  

Rels201 | World history homework help

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